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Do Intrusive Thoughts Ever Go Away?

Purely Obsessional OCD, often termed as Pure O is a sort of obsessive compulsion disorder in which a patient gets occupied with certain surreptitious compulsions. Rather than fighting their intrusive thoughts with evident rituals, such as hand-washing, monotonous checking, they clown repetitive, imaginative rituals to get temporary relief from the stress. According to the doctors, offering OCD treatment in Bhopal, owing to the clandestine characteristics of the disorder, Pure OCD is extremely unpleasant and difficult to manage. Many patients spend years without asking for help or without revealing to their loved ones about their disorder.

According to the doctors, offering OCD treatment in Bhopal, the symptoms of pure OCD are not necessarily the same in every patient, they vary from one patient to another. But, subjects of obsessive thinking favor to be in the same areas: sexuality, responsibility, violence, religion, health, and romance.

Here are some common pure OCD obsessions:

  • Doubt that you are not sufficiently good for your partner
  • Fear of hurting yourself, a loved one or a stranger
  • Fear that you are gay when you are actually not or vice versa

Common misconceptions about Pure OCD:

  • You have to be occupied with certain rituals, such as repeatedly washing hands, counting and so on to have OCD.
  • Individuals, who are suffering from Pure OCD actually have a disorder other than OCD, like schizophrenia or borderline personality disorder.
  • That an individual’s intrusive thoughts are genuine symbols of their character.

How Do I know it’s OCD?

Almost all of us experience intrusive thoughts, however their presence does not mean that we are suffering from OCD, say the mental health doctors, offering OCD treatment in Bhopal. Individuals, who are genuinely suffering from OCD, find such thoughts to be debilitating, causing extreme anxiety and discomfort. Regardless of how hard they try, such thoughts would not fade away.

Is it Possible to Recover from OCD?

The answer to this question is a big “Yes.” People do recover from OCD. But to recover, you are ought to opt for OCD treatment in Bhopal. You may be required to go through Exposure Response Prevention Therapy (ERP) under the guidance of trained professional therapists.