Depression is an insidious disease that can affectanyone, regardless of age, gender, or social status. It's common for people whoare depressed to not know it because the symptoms often overlap with other medical problems like chronic pain, diabetes, and hypothyroidism. This blog will explore some of the most common signs you might be experiencing depression so you can seek treatment if need be.
1. You feel hopeless and helpless.
Depression can make you feel like everything is outof your control, which can be incredibly frustrating and discouraging. If youfind yourself feeling this way on a regular basis, it might be a sign that you're depressed.
2. You have trouble sleeping or you oversleep.
If you're feeling tired all the time, it could be asign that you aren't sleeping well at night. Similarly, people who aredepressed often have trouble getting out of bed in the morning or may even oversleep.
3. You have no energy or sex drive.
Feeling fatigued and having no interest in anything(including sex) can mimic symptoms of depression. This is because manymedications for depression leave people without their usual energy levels which then make them feel drained all day long.
4. You experience changes in appetite and weightgain/loss.
A change in your eating habits is another commonsign of depression (overeating or lack of appetite). Sometimes this weight gaincan be enough to make you feel ashamed or embarrassed too.
5. You're constantly thinking about death and dying.
The majority of people with depression experiencesevere negative thoughts about themselves, the world around them, and thefuture; however, some people also contemplate suicide as a result of this condition. If you find yourself thinking about these things on a regular basis (more than just occasional fleeting thoughts), it's time to talk to your doctor.
6. You lack interest in anything pleasurable likeactivities you used to love.
People who are clinically depressed often loseinterest in previously enjoyable activities that they used to love doing (e.g.,hobbies, sports). Additionally, many people who are depressed stop wanting intimacy with their partners which makes it very hard on their spouses or partners.
7. You're irritable and moody.
The majority of people who suffer from depressionfeel like they're constantly on the verge of crying for no good reason at all,which can be frustrating to their families and colleagues who don't understand why they are so unhappy all day long. In addition, regularly feeling agitated is another classic sign that you might have depression.
8. You experience feelings of guilt orworthlessness.
A lot of people with clinical depression reportfeeling guilty about everything – even things that happened a long time ago –which eventually leads them to think that they must be awful human beings who don't deserve any kind of happiness in life whatsoever. Additionally, a lot of people who are clinically depressed feel like they're unworthy of having friends or loved ones in their lives which further feeds into feelings of worthlessness.
9. You think about death or suicide on a regularbasis.
Thoughts of death and suicide are common amongstpeople suffering from depression, particularly amongst those who suffer frombipolar disorder (manic depression). If you find yourself thinking about dying frequently, whether that means wishing you were dead or actually planning out how to end your life, it's time to seek help immediately from a psychiatrist in Bhopal. The risk for suicide is much higher among those with untreateddepression than the general population.
10. You see no hope for the future.
A loss of interest in everything can take away one'ssense of hope for the future. This is because when people are depressed, theyoften see no good in the days ahead and can't imagine a time where things will be better. If you find yourself feeling this way, it's important to seek professional help as soon as possible.
So there you have it – some of the most common signsthat you or someone you know might be suffering from depression. The good newsis that all of these symptoms are treatable so don't be afraid to reach out for help from a psychiatristin Bhopal if you think you might be struggling with thiscondition.
If you're experiencing any of these signs on aregular basis, it's important to talk to your doctor about your symptoms.Depression is a very real and serious disease that can have a profound impact on your life if left untreated, so don't ignore the warning signs.